Operations Strategy

We give the best Services

People are the number one resource in every organization, so planning a company’s future means taking into account the needs and expectations of the people who make up the company. To gain an understanding of people at your company, we ask engage in a number of strategies to learn your company culture, and when we plan for the future, we keep the present in view.

Let’s make your  company run better

Assess the company’s current position
Explore opportunities to gain strategic advantage and leverage what it does better than any other company for its market
Confirm the company’s direction and how to get there
Develop the roadmap that will guide the company’s Business Transformation.
Personal Care Super Support Guaranteed

The goal of Thai Euro Invest AG's planning solutions is to break down silos and create networked, department-spanning company planning in all core areas (strategy, operations, finance, IT, HR & supply chain). Advanced business analytics and planning solutions enable user-friendly analysis and efficient operationalization of strategic decisions.

Our consultants bring process understanding and outstanding expertise with the most innovative, market-leading planning solutions from Anaplan, IBM, and SAP. valantic designs the digital transformation to create collaborative, company-wide planning.

A central contact at Thai Euro Invest AG's is always available to the customer, ensuring quick communication. This is regardless of the composition of our agile teams.

We unite the advantages of a large consulting company – including a broad portfolio of services and financial security – with the flexibility, management attention, and individual approach that are usually the hallmark of small consulting companies.

Thai Euro Invest AG's consists of IT specialists, entrepreneurs, and managers with a broad spectrum of experiences. In our cooperation, respect, responsibility, and mutual trust are especially important to us.

Our opinion is that with a corporate culture that is characterized by fairness with regard to customers, colleagues, capital investors, and the environment, we will reach our goal faster in the long term.

Our Services

Contact Us

  • Holbeinstrasse 48 Basel, Basel, 4051 Switzerland
  • +31 97005030870
  • support@thaieuroinvestag.co

Our Brochures

View our 2023 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.